Nigel Scrutton - Selected Invited Lectures
Selection of Recent Invited Lectures:
Invited speaker, 20th International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoproteins (2020)
Invited speaker, 'Synthetic Biology for Defence', Arlington, Washington, USA (2019)
Invited speaker, 'New Horizons in Biotechnology', Trivandrum, India (2019)
Invited speaker, 'Metablic Engineering Summit', Tianjin, China (2019)
Invited speaker, International Conf. Green Biomanufacturing, Beijing, China (2019)
Invited speaker, 10th International Conf. on Biology, Chemistry & Therapeutic Applications of Nitric Oxide, UK (2018)
Invited speaker, EuroBIC 14, UK (2018)
Invited speaker, Future trends in synthetic biology, UK (2018)
Keynote speaker, 'Metabolic Engineering Summit' Beijing (2017)
Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference 'Enzymes, Coenzymes and Metabolic Pathways' (2017)
Keynote speaker, 'Isotopes 2017', Switzerland, (2017)
Invited speaker, ‘Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunnelling in Solids and Other Condensed Systems' Madison, USA (2017)
Invited speaker, International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, Wuhan, China (2016)
Invited speaker, Microbiology Society, UK (2016)
Invited speaker British Biophysical Society (2016)
Invited speaker, EMBO conference on biocatalysis, Oulu, Finland (2016)
Invited speaker, Lorentz Center Workshop, Proteins and Beyond, Leiden, Netherlands (2015)
Invited speaker, Metabolic Engineering Summit, Beijing, China (2015)
Invited speaker, Cold Spring Harbor Lab Asia "Synthetic Biology”, China (2014)
Invited speaker, International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoproteins, Thailand (2014)
Invited speaker, International Conference on Cofactors, Parma, Italy (2014)
Invited speaker, GRC Isotopes in Chemistry and Biology, Galveston (2014)
Plenary/FEBS lecturer, FAOBMB Congress, Thailand (2012)
Plenary, Quantum Biology Symposium, UK (2012)
Plenary, Isotopes 2011, France (2011)
17th International Conference Chemical Kinetics, USA (2011)
Session chair/keynote speaker, 17th International Conference Cytochrome P450: Biochemistry, Biophysics/Structure (2011)
Keynote, American Physical Society, USA, (2011)
Solvay conference. ‘Quantum Effects in Chemistry/Biology’, Belgium (2010)
GRC ‘Protein derived cofactors’ Ventura, USA (2010)
14th International Amine Oxidase Conference, Canada, (2010)
Invited speaker, IUPAC 42nd Congress, UK (2009)
Invited speaker, European Protein Science Symposium, Switzerland (2009)
Invited speaker, ACS meeting, Salt Lake City, USA (2009)
Invited speaker, ‘International Interdisciplinary Conference on Vitamins, Coenzymes and Biofactors’ University of Georgia, Athens, USA (2008)
Plenary lecture, International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoproteins, Jaca, Spain (2008)
Invited speaker symposium on ‘Protein dynamics and catalysis’, New York (2008)
Invited lecture ‘Isotopes 2007’ Castellion, Spain (2007)
Anglo-USA X-Fel working group symposium, Stanford, USA (2007)
Invited lecture ‘Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunnelling in Solids and Other Condensed Systems’ Houston, Texas, USA (2007)
Invited lecture ‘European Biophysics Meeting’ London (2007)
Plenary lecture, Dutch Biophysical Society, Netherlands (2006)
Invited lecture ‘EUROBIC 8’, Aviera, Portugal (2006)
Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference, Enzyme Mechanisms, California, USA (2006)
Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference, NO in Biology, Italy (2005)
Invited speaker, International Conference on Reaction Mechanisms, Dublin, Ireland (2004)
Invited speaker IUPAC 7th International Symposium on Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Sheffield. (2004)
Plenary lecture, Scottish Protein Society meeting, Galashiels, Scotland (2003)
Invited speaker 17th Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Florence, Italy. (2003)
Invited chair and discussion session leader 56th Harden conference (2003)
Invited speaker Biochemical Society annual meeting, Colchester Essex (2003)
Invited speaker International Conference on 'Enzyme mechanisms – a structural perspective', St Andrews, Scotland (2003)
Invited speaker Trinity College Dublin, Keith Tipton Festschrift (2002)
Drummond Lecturer, Queen Mary and Westfield College London (2001)
Plenary lecture ‘International Conference on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling’, UK (2001)
Select invitation only workshop on “Dynamics of enzyme catalysed reactions” Mesilla, New Mexico, USA. (2000)