Nigel Scrutton - Activities with External Bodies
Selection of External Activities:
1. Member, BBSRC Council
2. External advisory board, School Chemistry, University of Cardiff (2014-present)
3. Member of EPSRC peer review panels (e.g. Physical Sciences) (over several years)
4. Member of the Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Biomolecular Sciences and JREI Committees of BBSRC (over several years)
5. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Biochemical Journal (1998-present)
6. Editor FEBS J (2008-present)
7. Organiser EMBO Conference/TinE2014, Manchester UK (2014)
8. Member of International organising committee for several conferences (e.g. Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids, Houston, 2007; Flavins and Flavoproteins, Spain, 2008; Quinoproteins and Pyridoxal Phosphate Symposium, USA, 2008)
9. Member of Governing Body STFC New Light Source Project (2008-2010)
10. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, European Journal of Biochemistry (2000-2008)
11. Member BBSRC visit group to Stanford X-Fel source (April 2007) reporting back on potential importance of X-Fel radiation to UK science base.
12. Steering committee ‘Fourth Generation Light Source’ and ‘Biology Flagship’ Team Leader (2006-2007)
13. Principal organiser Royal Society Discussion Group Meeting ‘Quantum catalysis in Enzymes – Beyond the Transition State Theory Paradigm’ (2006) and Editor of accompanying Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edition.
14. Principal Organiser Royal Society Discussion Meeting ‘Quantum Catalysis in Enzymes’ (2005)
15. Member of the MRC Advisory Board (2000-2003)
16. Chairman of the Molecular Enzymology Group Committee, UK Biochemical Society (1999-2003)
17. Member of Council, Biochemical Society (1999-2003)
18. Member of the Scientific Advisory Group of the BBSRC Centre for Protein and Membrane Structure and Dynamics (CPMSD), CCLRC, Daresbury Laboratory, Cheshire (1999-2003)
19. Co-organiser of the 14th International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoproteins held in Cambridge in 2002.
20. Principal organiser of the 54th Harden meeting entitled ‘Enzymology: emerging trends and future prospects’, Ambleside, UK (2002)
21. Appointed member of the Quality Assessment panel for BBSRC Research Institutes (akin to the University RAE for BBSRC institutes)
22. External reviewer for the Quinquennial Reviews of MRC Institutes
23. External assessor of tenure appointments at Groningen University, Netherlands.
24. Reviewer of numerous overseas applications e.g. for Dept of Energy & NIH, USA; Austrian Funding Agency; New Zealand funding agency.